fototazo is a unique site combining social giving and photography.
fototazo was founded in 2011 by Tom Griggs, a photographer and educator based in Medellín and Philadelphia.

In addition to its microgrant program, fototazo also offers in-depth interviews and project releases of new work by selected contemporary photographers, writing from photographers on the work of other photographers and on their own images and an online gallery, as well as more posts of original content.


Urbanautica is a web independent  journal dedicated primarly to contemporary landscape photography. Urbanautica introduces new works or new talented photographers that research the urban environment to the world.
Urbanautica is an idea of Steve Bisson, conceived as a research platform open to photographers and people willing to contribute.



Established in 2009, SuperMassiveBlackHole (SMBH) is dedicated to contemporary photography and the photographic imagery resulting from the time-based processes found in many interdisciplinary art practices today. Founded and edited by Barry W Hughes, it is available to download for free as a PDF in both screen and print resolution.
Time, Space, Light & Gravity are what drive SuperMassiveBlackHole

SMBH mag

Fotofilmic was founded by VNB in 2012 and represents a global film-photography-only curation effort to showcase emerging and unknown photo talents attached to film worldwide.

VNB is a young independent company offering high quality services in commercial & editorial film photography, fine art consulting & instruction as well as unique analog photography workshops. Co-founded by Virginie Lamarche and Bastien Desfriches Doria, VNB operates from Vancouver, Canada.

FotoFilmic has two parts: first a 6-month online curated publication of 90 film photographers, and second an international juried exhibition of contemporary film photography – FotoFilmic’13 – featuring 30 prints from film photographers drew from the online publication. First, second and third place winners will receive cash prizes of $500, $300 and $200 respectively. The basic motive behind this progressive two-step web & walls curatorial approach to contemporary film photography is to democratize and facilitate general submission procedures and costs as much as possible for entrants from all horizons & backgrounds so no quality work remains unseen or out of reach, while still committing to traditional means of celebrating the photographic print in the form of a mounted and juried exhibition.


Oitzarisme is a Romanian website born in 2007, edited by Constantin Nimigean from the idea of having a blog where he could share stuff with his friends. Step by step, the website changed into a platform for educating and promoting contemporary photographic projects from all around the world. The name of the blog is an invented word and it sort of means “sheep things”.
From January 2011, Constantin also released an online magazine about love and issues called Love Issue.

Love Issue

prism is an independent online platform dedicated to contemporary photography, currently represented by e-magazine, photo blog and curatorial initiative.

prism acts just like its optical prototype, letting all kinds of photographic genres permeate its surface, get refracted, enter a new medium at a different angle and amuse the viewer with the palette of its constituent spectral colours.

The idea behind  prism  is to bring the true meaning of photographic medium back to its prestigious place and to create a platform where art can truly be seen, contemplated and discussed.

The magazine comes out every second month in hi-resolution PDF format and is distributed online free of charge. prism has been selected as finalist in The Irish Web Awards 2012 in ‚The Best Online Magazine‘ category (also nominee in ‚The Best Web Only Publication‘).

prism was established in 2011 by Dublin-based photographer Karol Liver.

prism | let the light in

One Day You Will Find Me is an artist interview site, founded in August 2012 by photographer Dania Shihab. It is a place for emerging and established visual artists to engage and exchange ideas on mediums and methods. We are as much interested in the artist as we are in their art. We are curious about daily life, habits, studio, workflow and projects.

One Day You Will Find Me

You can find further recommended photography websites on our Photography Links page!