Angezeigt: 1 - 3 von 3 ERGEBNISSEN
Book Signing Event Fair Festival Photobook Photography Presentation Print Magazine

POLYCOPIES Book Market on the boat Concorde Atlantique in Paris

PARIS, a boat by the river, a coffee shop and a terrace, and 35 photobook publishers from all over the world!

These are some of the ingredients Polycopies has mixed together hoping to create a book market with a festival-like atmosphere. This first edition of this « salon des livres » is taking place on the boat Concorde-Atlantique below the Musée D’Orsay.

During four days, running parallel to the Paris Photo fair, these 35 publishers will bring you a large selection of newly published books, organizing numerous meetings and signings with photographers.

Bateau Concorde Atlantique
Berges de Seine – Port de Solferino
75007 Paris (mehr …)

Photography Print Magazine Projection Screening

piK Magazine Issue #05 | Launch at Le Bal Paris

Happy to have been able to contribute to a great print mag – piK Magazine Issue #05, curated by photographer Isabelle Evertse – in the form of a written introduction.

Issue #05 was launched with a screening on January 30th 2014 at Le Bal Paris, and features photographic work by the following artists:

1/ Benjamin Schmuck
2/ Philippe Herbet
3/ Alma Haser
4/ David Favrod
5/ Andrew Miksys
6/ Nick Ballon
7/ Nina Poppe
Preface: Julia Schiller

Last available copies of piK #05 (limited edition of 100 copies) can be purchased here. (mehr …)

Exhibition Feature Group Exhibition Photography Print Magazine

piK Magazine

PiK is a limited edition magazine dedicated to promoting photographers worldwide.

Created in 2012, PiK constitutes a platform where the work of recognised Photographers and those of emerging talents converge. Each issue is part of a limited edition, 100 copies, so as to maintain a certain value within the object. To concentrate all the attention of the readers on the photographers, the magazine is independant and advert free. The magazine is available to purchase through the website as well as in a selection of galleries and bookstores. Each photographer will also have the possibility to exhibit images from their series, printed and framed. Each time this opportunity becomes available, Pik will create this type of event to further push the promotion of the photographers. (mehr …)