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Artist Talk Book Signing Call for Entries Collection Event Exhibition Fair Guided Tour Lecture Performance Photobook Photography Phototalk Projection Reading Screening Workshop

The PhotoBookMuseum Expo at Carlswerk Köln-Mülheim | August 19 – October 3, 2014

  • The CarlswerkEdition: 19. August – 03. October 2014, Cologne-Mülheim
  • OpeningWeek: 19. – 24. August 2014
  • PhotokinaWeek: 16. – 21. September 2014

During the course of the Photoszene Festival, on the 19th of August, The PhotobookMuseum has a grand opening. It will be the first museum in the world that is dedicated to the medium of the photobook in all its facets. (mehr …)

Photobook Photography

Photographs Not Taken

Photographs Not Taken is a collection of photographers‘ essays about failed attempts to make a picture. Editor Will Steacy asked each photographer to abandon the conventional tools needed to make a photograph—camera, lens, film—and instead make a photograph using words, to capture the image (and its attendant memories) that never made it through the lens. …