Someone I Know‚ is the latest project to be curated by photographer Stuart Pilkington.  It brings together some of the best known emerged and emerging photographers from across the globe.

The brief for the photographers was to take a portrait of someone they know, no matter how loosely.  The results were published on the project website on 2nd April 2013.

The project is conscious of the fact that just like plumbers not having finished bathrooms and dentists having bad teeth, photographers don’t often apply their trade to people closer to home.  It’s a chance for the people taking part to see if they can express their relationship with someone through means of a photograph.

Someone I Know
Someone I Know on Facebook

All images © Copyright by their respective owners, all rights reserved:
Title image: ‚He said ‚I Hate the Sun“ © Brian Widdis
From top left to bottom right:
Image #1: ‚Grandpa, two weeks before his 97th birthday, Farmington, Iowa, 2013‘ © Ben Huff
Image #2: ‚Georgia,The Day After the Family Dog Died‘ © Susan Worsham
Image #3: ‚Allison (Apples)‘ © Shane Lavalette

Image #4: ‚Dad, 2013‘ © Todd Stewart
Image #5: ‚He said ‚I Hate the Sun“ © Brian Widdis
Image #6: ‚Mr Chang‘ © Hin Chua

Image #7: ‚Untitled‘ © Justin James Reed
Image #8: ‚Untitled‘ © Miriam O’Connor
Image #9: ‚Zephyr, Woodstock, New York, 2013‘ © Rachel Papo

Image #10: ‚David March 2013‘ © Jim Mortram
Image #11: ‚Audrey, Spring (2013)‘ © Youngna Park
Image #12: ‚Untitled‘ © Phil Toledano

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