Actual Colors May Vary {ACMV} has been invited to the Belfast Photo Festival 2013 to give a talk about „Spectacle and Photography“ on June 9th 2013. Now we uploaded the accompanying slides of our talk to Slideshare in case you’re interested to know what we were talking about. Thanks again to curator Peggy Sue Amison and Festival Director Michael Weir for their kind invitation.

„Belfast Photography Festival asked a group of Photographic Curators, Editors, Authors and Artists to share thoughts, ideas and images by artists who they feel explore ideas of Spectacle in photography both currently and in the past.

Curated by Peggy Sue Amison (Freelance Curator and Artistic Director of Sirius Arts Centre) this series of morning presentations gives these Professionals the opportunity to talk about exactly what’s on their mind in regards to Spectacle and Photography.“

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