Press Release by IYL:
After some serious deliberation, we’re happy to announce we’ve started working on a 4th (and last!) publication of the IYL series in anticipation of next year’s IYL Photography Prize.
Volume IV will be presented on December 5th here in London and should hit your local bookstore before Christmas.

Now as we’re still waiting for some images to get to us, we’re opening a possible slot for 2 images to be included in the publication!

Please submit a maximum of 2 photos before 12pm (GMT) Sunday 17/11, as a link in the comment box on our FB-page or mail to iyl_2013 at arthur-frank dot com

Submit any image you feel fits the aesthetic of If You Leave, bearing in mind we only accept colour photographs, in landscape format… Good luck!!

(image by Alexa Babiuk)

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