Angezeigt: 1 - 3 von 3 ERGEBNISSEN
Exhibition Feature Photography Solo Exhibition

Pietro Motisi | Cemento

Cemento is a photographic project realized with the intention to build a map; it is a work about Sicily made as a path of sensations and perceptions with an eye on the relation between the space and the identity of its inhabitants.

The assumption of this project is to create, quoting the Italian photographer Luigi Ghirri, a ‘zig-zag’ path in which nothing has to be precluded and in which the photographer has to follow his perceptions. That has to be made in order to find/create a track to follow inside a given space, no matter if it is physical or conceptual, and from that track let emerge some of the peculiar characteristics of the secular relationship that links humans to this territory. (mehr …)

Feature Photography

Star Rush | Transfiguring Intimacies

Mobile messaging, public telephones, private conversations in public places: in just the right moment, the split second really, we enter the space that collapse private introspection and public expression. In these photos, I explore two questions: (1) How am I when I can’t see me, but we see each other? and (2) What is the shape of isolation as mediums of exchange and transport transfigure intimacies into exterior landscapes? (mehr …)

Feature Photography

Alberto Lizaralde | Frail

„Frail“ (2010 – 2011)

‘Frail’ is about those everyday moments when everything collapses. Small instants where our life changes, spins and breaks. Suspended moments in which something has just happened or is about to. Situations in which time, objects and places lose their physical nature and are full of us. Tiny fragments of life which, when put together, redefine our idea of control of ourselves and the world around us. We are vulnerable in the everyday. (mehr …)