Mobile messaging, public telephones, private conversations in public places: in just the right moment, the split second really, we enter the space that collapse private introspection and public expression. In these photos, I explore two questions: (1) How am I when I can’t see me, but we see each other? and (2) What is the shape of isolation as mediums of exchange and transport transfigure intimacies into exterior landscapes?

I captured and processed the images on my iPhone 3Gs between June 2010 and September 2011 in Seattle, Washington. All post-editing, when done, was completed only on the mobile phone. When printed on archival paper, these are 9”x12”.

We asked Star Rush to tell us a bit about herself:
I am a Seattle documentary and street photographer, writer, and educator, and an advocate of mobile photography. I am a member of IDEA Odyssey Artist Cooperative in Seattle, a founding member of Mobile Photo Group, an international collective of photographers creating images on mobile devices, and a contributing editor to
I currently teach composition and rhetoric, and literature at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle.

I am interested in the tug between past and present, the visual hiss and hums that evoke listening experience of vinyl records. My images explore place, people and objects as visually mediated artifacts of mundane, unstable, imperfect remembrance, imbued with the remnants of popular culture of the 20th century as much as “real life” itself.

My photography has been exhibited in the United States, as well as London and Rome. A selection of photographs is currently on display in Seattle as part of the exhibit, “States” at IDEA Odyssey Gallery through November 2011.

For more of her beautiful work, you may find and follow Star Rush in various places:
Follow on twitter: starrush360
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See photographs on Flickr:

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