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Crowdfunding Feature Photobook Photography

Kate Nolan | Neither

Neither (2009-2012)

The view of this faded garden explodes my mind and I get paralyzed, I have no clue how to move two legs, let alone a thousand. — Natasha

Neither is an exploration into the hearts of young women in Kaliningrad. The first generation to have grown up after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they look to define their identity in this small ‚island‘ within Europe. The women I have been living with and sharing with have generously opened up their homes and their minds to allow me to better understand this link between place, identity and history. (mehr …)

Music Photography

The one who dribbles too much

Boubacar Traoré live at La Cigale, Paris/France. March 4, 2011
Photographs © Julia Schiller

Boubacar Traoré is a musician from Mali, born in 1942, also known by his nickname „Kar Kar“ meaning „The one who dribbles too much“ – according to his style of playing football. Self-taught (with a little help from his brother, who was studying music in Cuba during the 50’s) Boubacar developed a unique style that blends American Blues music, Arab music, and pentatonic structures found in West Africa’s Mande cultural region (Kassonké). (mehr …)