Angezeigt: 1 - 10 von 13 ERGEBNISSEN
Feature Photography

Yvette Monahan | The Time of Dreaming the World Awake

The Time of Dreaming the World Awake is a portrait of a place, a landscape of possibility.

This photographic body of work is based in a small region in Southern France.
It centres on the story of Bugarach, the ‘magic’ mountain. Bugarach was somehow connected to a Mayan prophecy which indicated that the world as we know it, would end on December 21st, 2012. The prophecy claimed that this date would mark the beginning of a new era for humanity, a new and sublime future. Bugarach was to be the first bastion of this modern Arcadia. (mehr …)

Crowdfunding Feature Photobook Photography

Kate Nolan | Neither

Neither (2009-2012)

The view of this faded garden explodes my mind and I get paralyzed, I have no clue how to move two legs, let alone a thousand. — Natasha

Neither is an exploration into the hearts of young women in Kaliningrad. The first generation to have grown up after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they look to define their identity in this small ‚island‘ within Europe. The women I have been living with and sharing with have generously opened up their homes and their minds to allow me to better understand this link between place, identity and history. (mehr …)

Exhibition Group Exhibition Photography

Alternate Voices

Alternate Voices | IADT 2nd year students exhibition Opening:
 April 25th, 2013, 
6 – 9pm Exhibition:
 April 26th – May 2nd
, 2013 Moxie Studios, Dublin, Ireland Opening Hours: 12 – 5pm Alternate Voices is the end of year exhibition of IADT, Dún Laoghaire, 2nd year photography students that opens at Moxie Studios, Dublin, Ireland, on …

Crowdfunding Exhibition Feature Festival Photography Solo Exhibition

David Monahan | Leaving Dublin

In the project Leaving Dublin, photographer David Monahan has captured more than 100 imminent emigrants on film as they prepare to leave the city in search of better opportunities abroad.

I fully recognise the difference between this and previous waves of emigration and at the same time I acknowledge that the quest remains the same – the search for a better life. The work honours the courage behind the decision and the fact that moving to a different country can dramatically shape the future lives of those who leave, and has huge impact on those left behind.“ –David Monahan

(mehr …)

Photography Shortcut

Quick Brown Fox

Quick Brown Fox is a curated blog by Alex Rose, a photographer from Dublin, Ireland. Alex has an interest in the self publishing world and wanted to create an outlet for photographers to produce mini projects away from their normal practice. Quick Brown Fox was the product of this idea. She wanted to see how …