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Call for Entries Festival Photography Portfolio Review


Portfolio Review
31 January 2015
12 am – 7:30 pm
NRW-Forum Duesseldorf
Submission Deadline: 15.12.2014 5pm UTC

The Portfolio Review is an annual public event where fifteen emerging photographers present their work to an international panel of renowned professionals of the photographic industry. It will take place for its third time on 31 January 2015 at the NRW-Forum Düsseldorf , the hot spot of the Düsseldorf Photo Weekend 2015 (29.01. – 01.02.2015). (mehr …)

Art Exhibition Painting Photography Solo Exhibition

Guy Bourdin Retrospective | Deichtorhallen Hamburg

Opening: Thursday, October 31, 2013, 7 p.m.
Exhibition: November 1, 2013 – January 26, 2014
Deichtorhallen Hamburg / House of Photography

Press Release, Deichtorhallen Hamburg:

House of Photography at Deichtorhallen Hamburg is pleased to announce an exhibition of the legendary photographer Guy Bourdin (1928–1991), to be on view from November 1, 2013 to January 26, 2014. This most comprehensive exhibition to date is both an overview of the essential components of Guy Bourdin’s oeuvre and an introduction to unveiling works from his personal archives which have never been seen before. (mehr …)

Event Portfolio Review

7. Portfoliowalk der Deutschen Fotografischen Akademie (DFA)

Einladung zum 7. Portfoliowalk der DFA Deichtorhallen Hamburg 30.11. – 1.12.2013 Die Deutsche Fotografische Akademie und das Haus der Photographie laden ein zum 7. Portfoliowalk in den Deichtorhallen Hamburg am 30.11.2013 um 18 Uhr. Die Tagung der DFA an diesem Wochenende bietet mit vielen Vorträgen und Bildpräsentationen von Mitgliedern und Gästen wieder ein anregendes Forum, …