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Exhibition Photobook Photography Solo Exhibition

Joachim Brohm | Places & Edges

Opening: Thursday, March 21, 2013, 7pm
Exhibition: 22 March – 11 May 2013
(Easter Break from March 28th, reopen April 2nd)
Brancolini Grimaldi Gallery
, London

Press release by Brancolini Grimaldi Gallery:
Brancolini Grimaldi announces the first ever UK solo exhibition by leading German photographer Joachim Brohm. The exhibition will feature work from throughout Brohm’s 30 year career, from early series including Ruhr (1980 – 1983) and Ohio (1983-84) through to more recent projects such as Culatra (2008 – 2010). The exhibition will also include Paradis, an early series, which has never been exhibited in a gallery show before. (mehr …)

Feature Photobook Photography

Greg Girard | In the Near Distance

Within Greg Girard’s amazing body of work we are especially fascinated by his early photographs, compiled under the name „In the Near Distance“.
The wonderful book (84 pp., Illustrated thoughout, 8×11) was published in 2010 by Kominek Books Berlin.

In the Near Distance 1973-86 is the document of Greg Girard’s early wanderings, the adolescent search for prospects and aims: nocturnal street sceneries, portraits of “sailors and friends”, images of creatures of the night and hotel rooms. In addition to black-and-white-materials Girard mainly used color slides during those years – and thus adds a new and important body of work to the color photography of the seventies. (mehr …)