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ACMV/Berlin Artist Talk Exhibition Group Exhibition Guided Tour Lecture Photography Phototalk Round Table discussion

SIEBEN | Graduate Thesis Exhibition / Abschlussausstellung Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie

Opening: 25 Oct 2013, 7pm
Exhibition: 26 Oct – 08 Nov 2013
Uferhallen Wedding / Uferstr. 8-11 / 13357 Berlin

The 2013 graduating class of the OSTKREUZSCHULE für Fotografie in Berlin would like to invite you to this year’s thesis exhibition, SIEBEN, 26 October – 08 November at Uferhallen Wedding.

Twenty-five unique photographic series have evolved under the faculty committee of Prof. Ute Mahler, Sibylle Fendt and Thomas Sandberg — all within the long-standing tradition of the OSTKREUZSCHULE, with its emphasis on the interplay between documentary and fine art photography. (mehr …)

Photography Print Magazine

romka magazine #7

…is out now!

Since 4 years the independent photography magazine has been offering a platform for photographs that really mean something. People from all over the world submit their favorite pictures and tell the stories that lie behind them. romka is a collective photo album in which both amateurs and professionals archive their memories. The readers are encouraged to submit their own favorite photographs to participate in the ongoing project.

Issue 7 collects the most treasured pictures of 58 photographers from 21 countries, ranging from Japan to Belgium and Argentina. No difference is made between amateur hobbyists and renowned photo artists. (mehr …)