Angezeigt: 1 - 5 von 5 ERGEBNISSEN
Deborah Parkin | "Tranquility" from her series 'Memory'
Feature Photobook Photography

Deborah Parkin

My passion for photography started in earnest with the birth of my son. I had always enjoyed the photograph as an object but with his arrival came the need to record our lives. After the birth of my daughter I found that I was photographing as a way of exploring my own childhood memories as …

Feature Photobook Photography

Gianluca Tamorri | The Hornet’s Nest

San Luca is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Reggio Calabria in the Italian region „Calabria“. San Luca is considered to be the stronghold of the ‚Ndrangheta, a Mafia-type criminal organisation based in Calabria. According to a former ‚ndranghetista, „almost all the male inhabitants belong to the ‚Ndrangheta, and the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Polsi has long been the meeting place of the affiliates.“ (mehr …)

Feature Photobook Photography

Zheng Yaohua | Behind

„Few people know what they look like from behind. This book consists photographs selected from my work between 2003 and 2007, might be seen as mirrors in a fitting room.

During the tough process of sequencing, scanning and dust-removing, I repeatedly stared at these portraitures and their fine details, sometimes seeing nothing, sometimes seeing something behind what I was looking at.“
Zheng Yaohua (mehr …)