At the end of the project ‚Someone I Know‘ Stuart Pilkington asked if any photographers would be interested in his next project.

Over 100 photographers replied and each of them in turn was invited to take part in ‚Book Film Painting‚.
The photographers are from Australia, Austria, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lebanon, Loa PDR, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, UK and USA.

On 1st May 2013 the photographers were asked to submit a photograph inspired by either a book, a film or a painting by 31st July.
On 2nd August 2013 all the images were uploaded onto the website.

Please take time to look through the site. Each photographer has a link to their website, e-mail and Twitter account where appropriate.  You are encouraged to leave feedback if you enjoy their work.

There is also a Twitter page where you are able to follow updates on the project.
And there is a Facebook page which you can like or join for further updates.

For a full list of participating photographers, click here.

Stuart Pilkington has curated a number of projects since 2008 which are listed below:


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