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ACMV/Berlin Event Exhibition Festival Group Exhibition Photography Phototalk Seminar Solo Exhibition Workshop

5th European Month of Photography Berlin 2012

From October 19 – November 25 2012, the European Month of Photography Berlin (Europäischer Monat der Fotografie Berlin / MdF Berlin), the most important German photography festival, will take place for the fifth time.

Once every two years, more than 100 institutions in Berlin – including museums, cultural institutions, private collections, galleries, embassies, state offices, photography schools and project spaces – present exhibitions and events focussing on historical and contemporary photography.

Within the framework of the 5th European Month of Photography Berlin, over 200 events will be presented in addition to the 110 exhibitions.
The spectrum of events ranges from private viewings, tours and talks, to workshops, seminars and readings, to competitions and film screenings.

On Thursday, 18 October at 7:30 pm the festival opening takes place in the Akademie der Künste. Starting at 8:00 pm, it is possible to see the exhibition Cairo. Open City New Testimonies from an Ongoing Revolution in the Festival Centre on Pariser Platz.

Tip: Have a look at the route suggestions on the MdF website, which combine exhibitions with cultural & culinary strolls through the city – or plan your schedule according to thematic aspects such as Voyeurism, Cultural and National Identities, Urban and Peripheral Spaces, Berlin, Personal Identity and more!

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ACMV/Berlin Event Photobook Photography

C/O Berlin Book Days 2012

On May 25th + 26th 2012, C/O Berlin, International Forum For Visual Dialogues, will be presenting the C/O Berlin Book Days publishing event for the second time. The program includes book presentations, screenings, discussions, seminars and book signings. In the courtyard of the historic Postfuhramt, more than 20 publishers will be introducing their latest publications …