Angezeigt: 1 - 3 von 3 ERGEBNISSEN
Feature Photobook Photography

Maxwell Anderson | Stop Making Sense

Stop Making Sense is a series of ever so slightly awkward images, which sit between the lines of peculiar anomaly and quotidian normality. Each photograph is a second look at what we may take for granted in our visual everyday lives. Sometimes simply documenting the ‘hidden in clear view’ oddities of things as they exist, and sometimes looking closer at specific details, recontextualising certain aspects of things outside of the ‘whole picture’. (mehr …)

Feature Photobook Photography

Gianluca Tamorri | The Hornet’s Nest

San Luca is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Reggio Calabria in the Italian region „Calabria“. San Luca is considered to be the stronghold of the ‚Ndrangheta, a Mafia-type criminal organisation based in Calabria. According to a former ‚ndranghetista, „almost all the male inhabitants belong to the ‚Ndrangheta, and the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Polsi has long been the meeting place of the affiliates.“ (mehr …)