Created: March – June 2011, Berlin, Germany.

Recently, the continued theme in my work is built around the domestic and the structure of life within a home, the physical nature of the interior and exterior/human interactions and relations/memories/possessions, etc. Home to me is many things, banal and everyday but always of the utmost importance. We all experience moments within our individual contexts of home or family, but do not necessarily share them beyond the physical construct of our own setting. There is an unspoken curiosity to see how others have these moments. We are all guilty of taking glimspes through windows, particularily at night, to see how others live. I’m really interested in this compulsion? Is it curiosity, just plain nosiness or is it something more? Is it a desire to validate our own existence, to elicit self-reflection? What are we looking for when we glimpse through into an others life?

My work’s aspiration is to make people think about their homes and home life in a poetic way, triggering feelings about family and how we live, how the space we live in is part of the fabric of our lives and how objects and treasured possessions interact with us and generate emotional connections. The images shown are all from a series of work based around these themes while I was living in Berlin, Germany in early 2011 for 3 months. They are all the interiors of stranger’s homes.


Pamela Condell studied Photography at St Johns Central, Cork, Ireland.
Co-founded Stag & Deer:
Stag & Deer’s goal is to facilitate the needs of emerging and established artists in the visual arts with a concentration on the photographic. This is achieved through the setting up of galleries within a slack space or site-specific location. Through this method of operating exhibitions, Stag & Deer showcase contemporary art in a stimulating and vital manner. Stag & Deer have worked in association with Urban Space Initiative.

Pamela has shown work or curated for festivals such as PhotoIreland, All My Loving with The Crawford Municipal Gallery and Sirius Art Centre; and Art Trail, Cork. Her own photographic shows include Ladyfest 2008 in association with The Triskel, and she has produced work for art centers such as The National Sculpture Factory. She has performed in Project Brand New at The Project Arts Centre, at Solstice as part of the Cork Midsummer Festival and had a seven day residency at The Guesthouse with dance artist Cathy Walsh. Her current performative work is influenced by a theory of animal origins that looks very similar to Darwinian natural selection, whereby organisms form randomly and the environment selects the more successful experiments.

Past Shows:
2008 – Featured Artist with LadyFest. The Triskel Arts Centre, Cork, Ireland.
2008 – Graduate Show, St John’s Central College, Cork, Ireland.
2010 – Stag & Deer, Season 1 for emerging artists, Store, Cork, Ireland.
2010 – AfterMath, Project Brand New at The Project Arts Centre, Templebar, Dublin, Ireland.
June 2011 – AfterMath, Solstice at The Cork Midsummer Festival, Cork, Ireland.
July 2011 – HOME in association with PhotoIreland and Stag & Deer, Dublin, Ireland.
Oct 2011 – W A R S O N G: Seven day residency at the Theatre Development Centre, Triskel Arts Centre, Cork, Ireland.
Oct 2011 – Art Trail Commission for catalog cover.
Nov 2011 – Seven day residency at The Guesthouse, Shandon Street, Cork with dancer Cathy Walsh, as part of the Worlds End Series of Residency’s.
Nov – Dec 2011 Stag & Deer with Chris Clarke, present Ma Bice Bolje / It’ll Get Better – Goran Galic & Gian-Reto Gredig in association with Art Trail, Cork.

For more of Pamela’s work, please visit her Tumblr

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