Angezeigt: 1 - 2 von 2 ERGEBNISSEN
Feature Photography

Star Rush | Transfiguring Intimacies

Mobile messaging, public telephones, private conversations in public places: in just the right moment, the split second really, we enter the space that collapse private introspection and public expression. In these photos, I explore two questions: (1) How am I when I can’t see me, but we see each other? and (2) What is the shape of isolation as mediums of exchange and transport transfigure intimacies into exterior landscapes? (mehr …)

Feature Photography

Sebastian Klug | The dissolution of the individual

„I have been working on this photo series with my Nokia 6300 mobile phone for over 3 years now. Most pictures are taken by night or under bad light conditions. It’s only then that I achieve the desired effect of coarseness and picture noise. This work is strongly related to Berlin, its dark streets, dimly lit bars, crowded clubs and, above all, its people. I chose to work with a mobile phone camera for several reasons: (mehr …)